How To Write For Business Greeting Cards

How To Write For Business Greeting Cards

Business greeting cards are very different from normal holiday or ?occasion? type greeting cards. When you print greeting cards like this, the tone of it is distinctly different since its whole purpose and goal is very different as well. Do not go about it like your normal kind of personal greeting card since people will just wonder and get ?weirded? out at the person or entity sending them. Nothing screams uncomfortable more than a greeting card that is too personal (Hi Lizzy how are you!) yet you do not know exactly who it came from.

So it is important to know how to write for business greeting cards. You have to know how to approach the customer correctly using the alternative but very effective medium of the greeting card. To help you out with this, here are my tips on writing for business greeting cards.

  1. Be personal yet formal ? The first thing that you should know about for writing for business greeting cards is the approach. We all know that greeting cards are best when they are personal, but as illustrated above, you can?t just go directly personal with a potential customer. It might be construed as invasive and even creepy. So, you have to walk a fine line between personal greetings and formality. For example instead of using the customer?s first name, you have to use titles like Mr., Mrs. or Miss and then use their last names. If they have a professional title like Dr. or Atty. then you have to use them as well. You of course have to research on these things so that you can do it correctly. Format titles like this plus their last names make the greeting card appear personal (by using a specific name) without appearing too much like a mass produced medium like the ?dear sir/madam? approach. So like this, try to walk the fine line between personal and formal so that you can maximize the usefulness of greeting cards without failing in the execution.
  2. Use a polite and respectful tone ? Also of course, as a standard practice, try to use a polite and respectful tone in your business greeting cards. More particularly, try to use a tone that uplifts the status of the potential customer making them feel like they are in charge and you are there to serve their needs. People like feeling like they are in control or that someone is there to help and serve them. You can capitalize on this and have people respond well to your greeting cards by using this kind of tone.
  3. Try to be subtle with promotions ? Nobody likes unsolicited sales mail. Most mails like this usually get classified as junk mail immediately. So keep the commercial talk to a minimum and focus more on establishing a relationship with the customer. Just casually say that you have that new product line that they might be interested in, but don?t go too much on its specifics.

Great! Hopefully this helps you out in writing your business greeting cards. As you can undoubtedly see, there are fine lines that you must tread to make them effective and acceptable. So keep your focus and review all your content before you go into greeting card printing.